Hulk Radios
I have a couple of coworkers that crack me up all day. They enjoy speaking in military talk and use codes for "emergency situations". They also have 2 Incredible Hulk walkie talkies that they occasionally use to communicate with each other, even though they sit next to each other. Yesterday one of the Hulk radios was taken hostage below are some photos and emails exchanged.
Mr. Heinly and Company...
Attached to this covert communication are two photos I think you would be very interested in viewing. I must emphasize, DO NOT contact the authorities, and that means the EOC if you want to see your green friend again!
As far as the Hulk Style Communication Device we have in captivity is concerned, well just let us say that he is being treated fairly. However, his batteries have been remove, so he is powerless to help himself or to attempt a direct communication with any other Hulk Style Communication Devices.
It would interest my superior officers to know what you would offer our organization for the safe return of your comrade.
P.S. If I were you I would strip the one allowed the Hulk Style Communication Device fall into enemy hands of his rank!
This is a cowardice act!
There will be no negotiating as I know the Hulk style communication device is perfectly willing to lay down his life for the better good.
Please be advised that effective 24 hours from now, if the Hulk style communication device is not returned in safe and good condition. There will be an embargo put in place to halt consumption of ALL cheese balls and various Hostess snack cakes.
Our next step will be Slim Jims and Potato Chip Products.
Please be advised, this is not an idol threat, return the device immediately!